Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Muhammad Haque continuing to report on Khoodeelaar! events against Crossrail, showing shallowness of the UK House of Commons Crossrail Cttee of MPs

AADHIKAR in association with ‘KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area No to CrossRail hole Bill’ campaign

The 5th Edition published from London at 2300 Hrs GMT /UK time on Tuesday 5 December 2006

About AADHIKAR Media Foundation, LEGAL DISCLAIMER in brief on accessing these contents and what the word AADHIKAR means Updated on Thursday 16 November 2006

Legal and evidential disclaimer: London Wednesday 29 November 2006Reporting and
commentary exclusively commissioned, written, edited and published by AADHIKARonline coming straight from the centre of the East End of London engaged in the battle to defend the community against multifarious attacks by Big Business, their touts in control of the 'local democratic' council [!], an inept band of opposition on the council and assortment of other 'holders of public post' in the name of the local area
AADHIKARonline published by the AADHIKAR MEDIA FOUNDATION in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill
Publishing programme on Tuesday 5 December 2006
Khoodeelaar! Holds demonstration against crass CrossRail corruption-of-the-community insulation charade at Spitalfields Housing association 78 Quaker Street London E1 – This event exposes the sham and the shallow and the unconstitutional role played so far by the Crossrail Bill Select Committee of MPs in the UK House of Commons….This demonstration was organised at a notice of four hours. The significance is very clear,. The demonstration showed that Khoodeelaar! Is the campaign that makes the difference to whether the Crossrail hole would be dug in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area or not. All the indications are that the various ‘opponents’ [as seen on the ethnicity-linked TV programmes in the months in the run up to the 4 May 2006 elections to the Council] of the Crossrail plan, are being subjected to various ‘buying’ and bribing programme. This is exactly why Khoodeelaar! Manifesto 2006 was emphatically about holding the seekers of election to the Council to account –as opposed to Khoodeelaar! Seeking any elected positions ourselves. One of the things that emerged during the Khoodeelaar! Demonstration was that TWO RESPECT candidates for election at the 4 May 2006 council election [for the record only - both were unsuccessful on that occasion] who had given clear and categorical underrating against Crossrail, did find themselves attending the Crossrail charade… How was that possible? When Khoodeelaar! Spoke to the present chair of the Spitalfields Housing Association after 5 PM this afternoon, he stated that he had no knowledge of what was happening or who had organised the stated event! The question is: if even the chair of the Spitalfields Housing Association does not know two hours before the announced time of the meeting then how is it possible for anyone to pass it on as a legitimate event? Yet we had two ex-candidates from the RESPECT organisation, being able to be invited and they both attended… More on this in the reports on Wednesday 6 December 2006 … Khoodeelaar! Organisation had asked the Secretary of the Spitalfields Housing Association in the afternoon [Tuesday 5 December 2006] to state why they were allowing the CrossRail community corruption charade to be held on their premises. The Secretary said that he did not know until in the morning when he was handed some papers. He was trying to find out what was behind the event. HE agreed with the Khoodeelaar! Campaign that Crossrail was a bad thing and that the Spitalfields Housing Association should not have anything to do with facilitating or colluding with the CrossRail outfit. [To be continued]
Khoodeelaar! legal action programme- Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area residents and businesses sign up for campaign against Crossrail in new phase of the legal action programme – details here shortly
Khoodeelaar! warns ‘petitioners’ ‘against’ “CrossRail, hole” not to collude with Crossrail plotters against the community in the East End - more on this here shortly
Khoodeelaar! campaign demand on Tower Hamlets Council PASS NO to Crossrail hole Bill Motion Now! – Community backs Khoodeelaar! call - details here shortly
[To be continued] Khoodeelaar! Quotes Ian McWhirter exposing some of the lies being peddled by Crossrail-hole-backer Ken Livingstone and others in their selfish, petty, racist propaganda against the Scottish people. Yesterday [4 December 2006] AADHIKARonline had published this comment on the tendency being f7nted by Livingstone of attacking Scottish people: "The London Guardian BELATEDLY and with evident reluctance and grudge and backhandedness, publishes [in the afternoon of Monday 4 December 2006] a flicker of the truth about the lies of Crossrail hole Bill-backer London liar mayor Ken Livingstone. In the misleadingly titled ‘commentisfree’ slot [which is so restricted that the sheer bureaucracy of getting around its Guardian-congenital lying miasma and of being able to tell or publish any truthful comment on the Guardian’s website is like expecting Polly Toynbee to be happy about anyone wishing to share the truth with the Guardian!], the Guardian lets a Scottish person say that Livingstone’s racist onslaught at the expense of the Scots over alleged subsiding by 'London' of Scotland, was a dangerous lie. The Livingstone lie is related to a pack that includes claims for Crossrail. Now, why should the Guardian only publish this now, more than a year after Livingstone began this particular lying propaganda? Why hasn’t Polly Toynbee been the one to object to the anti-Scottish lies by Livingstone? Who in London authorised Livingstone to manufacture and then spread the lie IN the name of the people of London and at the expense of the Scottish people and their collective rights and image? " To view Ian McWhirter's comments, CLICK HERE
Muhammad Haque comments on the idiocies of – and fundamental dishonesty collectively exhibited by the British media promoters of CRASSrail plot and finds a rare exception to the overwhelming propensity to lying, in the USA publisher Forbes on the internet! London 1315 Hrs GMT Monday 4 December 2006 Khoodeelaar! gives a ‘favourable’ mention to USA’s capitalist chronicler, Forbes! Shock horror indeed!
But that is only the tip of the iceberg! It proves, yet again, that the CRASSNEES of the writers plugging for Crossrail through all the ‘mainstream’ ‘British’ media are and have been and remain CRASS indeed! That they do not understand or worse, they have no respect for the value of telling the truth.That it is no good lying to the people. That the first principle of ‘journalism’ is all about telling the truth. Without that understanding and PRACTICE, no ‘writer and broadcaster’ [the expression that often is attached to the morons that are given platforms to opine only because they are ‘writers and broadcasters’] deserves to have tolerance from the public, let alone loyalty because what they spout out is a lie every time they open their mouths or compose their despatch.Why do I say a favourable word about Forbes? Because they have at least acknowledged the essential grain of what the Rod Eddington report, in the context of the Crossrail plot, has been about. Eddington has NOT endorsed Crossrail I pointed this out hours before the actual Review was launched at news events. I had done that because the Crossrail-promoting- ken-Livingstone-backing Guardian had found out that Crossrail was not going to be promoted by Eddington. So the Guardian actually Polly Toynbeed Eddington in an advance piece against him. That means that the Guardian resorted to the throwing of Polly Toynbee set of lies at Rod Eddington and accused Eddington of not being competent or knowledgeable enough. They rubbished the Eddington Review before it was formally published. However, the Forbes magazine conglomerate in the USA does not depend on the liars that control the Guardians’ finances. As the Daily Mail [Monday 4 December 2006] editorial denounces the Guardian and the Blair regime today – in apiece devoted to showing how the Guardian despite being a poor circulation outlet, is given the major share of the almost £1 billion advertising money by the Blair regime – it is no longer a mystery as to what ‘high values’ inspire the editorial contents deciders on the over-0stated Guardian. It is their pocket and it is their greed. But the Forbes magazine is not dependent on the Blair regime, not at least for its advertising income. So it has actually accurately reported that there is nothing of substance about Crossrail in the Eddington Report! I shall continue to examine all the evidence throughout the rest of the period in the aftermath of the publication of the Eddington Review. View the Forbes report on the Eddington Review HERE [To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail continuing to expose the Crossrail liars in the media – this file about Bloomberg’s Brian Liesaid, a persistent plugger of the CRASSrail hole Bill and its pluggers especially CrossRail hole-backer Ken Livingstone
Brian Liesaid has been filing packs of lies on the so-called business news websites controlled and operated by Bloomberg, the New York-based promoters of Big Business , multinationals and assorted other corrupt agencies of market robbery and looting at the expense of the majority of the people in communities under constant attacks by these looters. Brian Liesaid [the spelling of his published name will be added here] has been plugging away for CrossRail hole Bill for the best parts of the last two years. Most acutely, Liesaid has been promoting the lies of CrossRail hole Bill Ken Livingstone. And those of others who are in concert like CrossRail hole Ken with the setters of the agenda being pushed forward by the lobbyists that are at work include the guises of the UK Houses of Parliament [To be continued]
– Publishing programme on Saturday 2 December 2006 – The forthcoming editions of the AADHIKARonline news and commentary pages will be dedicated mainly to the series under “Khoodeelaar! Response to the Rod Eddington Report on Transport, as officially published on Friday 1 December 2006”. The report itself is titled as follows: “The Eddington - Transport Study - The case for action -Sir Rod Erdington’s advice to Government December 2006 ” [in this edition] include these :-
The entire cabal of the London media pack, bribed and seduced into plugging for the liars who are behind the Crossrail plot to rob the public purse of what is bound to be more than £20billion, had been dropping hints throughout the past few months to the effect that the Eddington Review was going to come down heavily on the side of the Crassrail plot.. How shallow the cabal of media crooks was...The Eddington Review, which was published yesterday [Friday 1 December 2006] does NOT even mention the word Crossrail once in the published report! So what do the lying media promoters of CrossRail say? Those that had been madly promoting the lie in their media slots to the effect that Rod Eddington would approve of what they had been retailing for the Construction conglomerates [the real forces behind the Crossrail juggernaut] suddenly find their powers of promotion and propaganda failing them just when they were required to show that they were not all drunken liars. To make a factual report on the contents and the implications of the finally published Eddington Review.. The chief propagandist for Big Business touts on Crossrail, the mayor of London Ken Livingstone, was also found to have suddenly lost the ability to insinuate dire threats against the entire UK economy if CrossRail were not rushed and constructed at huge costs to the public purse! Why? One reason is that Eddington is if anything, more a member of the Big Business club than any of the cabal of conceited CrossRail pluggers in the media. And even they know that Eddington knows what he is talking about, having been at the helm at British Airways for a significant period before being given the task by Gordon Brown to do a review of the UK’s transport economy from the public perspective. So the only comments they could make, as I denounced their stereotype the lying Crossrail-hole-plot-backer Ken Livingstone-promoting Guardian for doing hours before the actual Review was published, was to condemn Eddington in advance.And the Ken Livingstone news release in apparent response to the [publication of the Eddington Review, is so bereft of substance that in comparison with this poor show by Livingstone, his usually bankrupt mayoral propaganda handouts and lies- sheets ON OTHER topics appear to have at least ‘some’ substance ![To be continued]
How the Eddington report vindicates the Khoodeelaar! Analasyis as far as it affects the matter of public funding and transport economics
How the Financial ‘journalists’ are not all as knowledgeable far less honest as they ought to be and why the Guardian has been lying about Eddington as part of the Guardian’s illicit and corrupt pact with Crossrail hole promoters generally and with Ken Livingstone in particular
Why CrossRail hole Bill-crazy Ken Livingstone doesn’t have the requisite knowledge to be taken seriously about anything he says on Transport economics, given the brazenly rightward and ignorant and petty and corrupting moves that Livingstone keeps making every day -
Why Tower Hamlets Council and other holders of public offices in the name of the people of Tower Hamlets should pay attention to the specific points that Khoodeelaar! Has made and points that are echoed in effect in the Eddington report
Even the incredibly establishment-pleasing Jonathan Dimbore, fronting the 'Any Answers' programme right now '1425 Hrs GMT Saturday 2 December 2006] has failed to show any enthusiasm for the CRASSrail hole Bill. Why is this significant? Because this edition [being aired on the BBC right now] is almost entirely given to all manner of references to the Eddington Report, mostly to do with charging, pricing and taxing motorists etc. So three is a stage absence of all references to Crossrail ! Doesn't this show, as if evidence were needed on top of those compiled and demonstrated by Khoodeelaar! over the past 3 years of campaign against CrossRail, that the crassly conceived project is a flawed and unmeritorious one? [To be continued]
Breaking news, updates and other items One of the comment pieces published in the INDEPENDENT on Saturday 2 December 2006 about the Rod Eddington report on Transport actually says that had Eddington been advising the UK Government of the day ten years previously, there would have been no Channel Tunnel rail Link. Which is absolutely clearly in line with the economic analasyis that Khoodeelaar! has been making about the Crass zeal for Crossrail shown by 'the entire establishment' groups so far. Eddington does not endorse Crossrail in a ringing way. And it is because CrossRail is NOT a meritorious project. View the INDEPENDENT piece by-lined to that paper's 'Transport' editor Barrie Clement, by CLICKING HERE

Eddington warning against the dangers of being seduced by grand projects with speculative returns!

Even the Murdoch Times news outlet in London has been unable to find anything to celebrate for the CRASSrail in the Rod Eddington report. Khoodeelaar! is treating as a clear reference to CrossRail the use of the phrase by Eddington as found in this account published in the Murdoch, Times today: The Murdoch Times' Transport editor, in his report published today, Saturday 2 December 2006 covering the contents an the implications of the Eddington report says this, "Mr Brown will be relieved that Sir Rod plays down the idea of expensive schemes. The report recommends: “Do not be seduced by ‘grand projects’ with speculative returns.” "